Historically the Conservative Policy Forum (CPF) was the conduit used by Ministers to debate elements of new policy with the grassroots of local Associations and was an invaluable source of feedback in the build-up to the 2015 General Election, and in preparation of our Election manifesto.
CPF members also played a vital role in explaining policies during campaigning for the 2017 General Election. Members should take satisfaction in these achievements. The new National Director, Hannah David and CPF manager John Hayward are determined that members continue to be able to influence the direction of the Conservative Party and our country.
Our new Party Chairman, Brandon Lewis, will be taking the lead for CPF under the new administration. Furthermore a new discussion programme will be formulated which should commence in the Autumn. This is where you can play a huge part. There will be approximately nine discussion papers for you to debate with local members each year. Each debate will be given sufficient notice so that as many of you as possible can attend and make your views known.
Also we are being encouraged to use the CPF umbrella to have meetings to discuss and debate local issues within our own constituency. This will help to formulate the Conservative Policy Agenda during this new Administration and for the 2022 Conservative Manifesto.
I currently chair the Lincoln Association branch of the CPF for our local meetings. These will be held in a central location and one suggestion is the Adam and Eve public house on Lindum Hill, Lincoln.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the new Lincoln CPF and wish to be kept informed of our future CPF events, please contact me either by email at cawrey@yahoo.com and I will add your name to the list of members. Alternatively you can register your interest via the CPF website at www.conservativepolicyforum.com/join where you can find all the information on how the CPF actually Operates. Membership is not limited to internet users as paper registration forms will be available at the first meeting.
Cllr Lindsey Cawrey
Vice President